CRM Training Concept
for Understanding of Flight Operations.
The crew is playing against the game. Since the outcome of the game is depending upon your decisions during the game, groups will probably not reach the same end result. If more than one group is playing, a touch of competition is added to raise the level of activity
The new EASA regulation requires that feedback be provided to flight crew during the CRM Training. MAYDAY CRM Training Concept is also designed as an assessment and feedback tool for the CRM Trainer. It will be possible for the CRM Trainer to provide feedback for the crew by means of behavioural markers that have been observed during the game. This will enhance the benefit of the learning experience of the game for the participating crew as well as for the CRM Trainer. And comply with EASA regulation.
MAYDAY has a duration of approximately 2 – 2½ hour when used with 1 flight scenario.
MAYDAY has a duration of approximately 3 – 3½ hour when used with 2 flight scenarios.
The time indicated is inclusive introduction, playing the game, assessment, and de-briefing.
The flight scenarios do not have to be played together but can be used independent of each other.
In order to achieve the best learning experience, a crew of 3 – 6 crewmembers will share one game board. This will provide the possibility for all crewmembers to participate actively. More than 6 crewmembers will degrade the interaction possibilities amongst the crew and degrade the learning experience. MAYDAY CRM Training Concept is a physical game and not an online or computer based solution. Teamwork, situational awareness, and communication cannot be taught effectively online.
The game will be packed in a practical box, which makes it easy to carry the game from one location to another. 1 box can contain up to 3 games.
MAYDAY CRM Training Concept - Video Demonstration of Game:
AEROTEAM - Rørkærvej 108 - 8722 Hedensted - Denmark
mail: Phone: +45 20 32 36 76